
Pornhub Needs an Overhaul But There’s One Thing It Did Right

Enter: The Pornhub Sexual Wellness Center, a safe space for sex ed discussions on the internet



2020 spelled serious trouble for Pornhub. Not until it was backed into a corner by Visa, Mastercard and Discover did the adult video platform crack down on a rampant problem. The site had been teeming with revenge porn, videos of rape and child porn, among other illegal content.


The pulling out by credit card firms came after Nicholas Kristo’s New York Times article that re-exposed Pornhub as home to and enabler of criminal activity. This prompted the company to finally double-down on efforts to clean house. On December 14, it deleted millions of user-uploaded videos, leaving up only content by verified accounts. The video download feature has also been disabled indefinitely.


Now, Pornhub’s fate hangs in the balance; and the issue goes beyond the need for mere reputation rehabilitation. The company is now dealing with pressure, coming in from all sides, to rethink the way it conducts business.


It’s an ugly––yet necessary––turn of events. But as Pornhub recalibrates operations so it can walk its talk that “nothing is more important than the safety of [the] community,” there remains the hope that it continues, quite frankly, the one positive mark on its 2020 report card: the revival of the Pornhub Sexual Wellness Center.


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Reintroduced just a month before the NY Times exposé, the Pornhub Wellness Center very well stands to be the unlikely hero in sex education. Covering everything from How the Penis Works and How to Prepare for Sex to Fertility and Birth Control and Condoms And Consent, the revamped subsection, in many ways, puts the average Sex Ed curriculum to shame.


Where talks about sexual health are oftentimes skirted in schools (in some cases, this is limited to reproductive health, where no-sex-before-marriage is the be-all and end-all of sexual relations), the Pornhub Sexual Wellness Center takes a more comprehensive, intensive and realistic look at sex via educational videos and blog posts.


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Pornography itself is not sex ed, yet a fraction of today’s youth looks to porn to fill that void. In that sense, this undertaking is right up Pornhub’s alley. “Pornography does not always represent sexual interactions and behaviors typical of everyday life,” says the company. “[But it] can promote diverse sexual practices and allow individuals to explore their own sexuality and sexual preferences.” With the channel’s revival, Pornhub hopes to use content it’s already known for as a springboard for healthy, meaningful discussion.



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The Sexual Wellness Center, for its part, has become the unexpected safe space for sex ed on the internet. Now the rest of Pornhub just has to catch up.



Art Alexandra Lara

Published by
Nicole Blanco Ramos

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