Pop Culture

Beyond the ‘Gram: Meredith Foster Spills the Stories Behind Her Instagram Posts

The all-around content creator lets us in on her beginnings and the backstories of her gorgeous Instagram feed



Let's admit it: we're all a little Instagram-obsessed.


It comes in varying degrees: some of us spend hours bookmarking and double-tapping, letting one photo lead us to the next. Others carve out the time to slap a filter on a shot before posting it to their own profile. And then there are those who plan their content lightyears ahead, abide by a three-shade color palette and keep to a strict posting schedule. Wherever your find yourself on the spectrum, know we're all guilty here. After all, Instagram is a platform for inspiration––with so many discerning eyes and brilliant minds, it's hard not to fall into the pursuit of that One Perfect Shot to fill the next tile on your feed.


While painstakingly clocking in hours of work and creative decision-making into mapping out our grids is admirable, sometimes we need a reminder to look up from our phone screens and live a little. Vlogger, influencer and all-around content creator Meredith Foster remind us of this. Sure, her Instagram is a sight to behold and scroll through––but this gal isn't living for the likes. Instead, she finds happiness in the process––connecting with her followers, inspiring young women and having funny stories to tell about the photos that make it on the ‘gram.


RELATED: How to Nail Your Instagram Aesthetic


We know you vlog, you post on Instagram, you create all sorts of content––could you tell us a little about how you got around to doing what you do now?

I’ve actually been on YouTube for over 9 years. When I started, nobody thought you could build a career out of it––it was just something I was very passionate about. I always wanted to tell a story and do something to inspire people.


I actually wanted to be an actress, so one day I went in for an audition and basically, they told me that I wasn’t good enough. I was like, “Forget that! I know I can do this.” That’s when I found YouTube. I was so drawn to it because of the way I could connect with people from all around the world and how I could create content that I was excited to be making.


That’s the great thing about social media!

There is so much good in social media, like the way people can connect and meet each other nowadays. It’s incredible! A lot of my closest friends right now, I actually met through Instagram.


“Yes, I’m on YouTube but that’s just one part of me.
I’m a collection of all the books I’ve read,
all the places I’ve been. There’s so much more.”


What’s your favorite thing about what you do?

Honestly, it’s connecting with people from all over the world and being able to come to places like the Philippines. Being able to inspire others. When I get a message on Instagram that says I’ve helped someone––that’s one of the most fulfilling feelings. I’m really grateful I’m able to be a voice for people and use my voice for good.


I’m sure there are hard days, too. On the flip side, what is your least favorite thing?

That’s true; there are always challenges. For me the least favorite thing is self-doubt, doubting yourself and thinking, “Am I, is this good enough?” We all have insecurities and we’re all fighting battles. I do like to remember that at the end of the day I’m proud of what I do and I know who I am. If this is something that is fulfilling my purpose and making me feel good, that’s what important.


We mentioned a little earlier that you create content across different platforms. How do you gauge which content should go where?

I know my audience really well, so I know which works best on which platform. For Instagram, I choose photos that are themed and that have a look to them. That's what my audience wants to see. For YouTube, it’s videos on topics that are relevant to my viewers, for example seasonal stuff like Halloween. I gauge it based on what they would respond the most to.


Let’s zero in on Instagram in particular. How do you think Instagram has changed the influencer game? 

Oh my gosh, Instagram is like a whole thing in itself now. When I first started Instagram wasn’t a platform you could just start on; it was something you could use to promote your YouTube video. Nowadays you have Instagram Live and Instagram TV. It’s changed the game for a lot of people, even businesses or companies that are just starting out. Everyone is supporting and connecting with each other, and I think that’s really cool.


I was looking through your Instagram feed. Your curation is gorgeous. Like, those fall photos!

Thank you! I mean it looks like I spend hours planning it out, which is funny! I do have a separate test account to plan out the pictures, but I don’t like spending too much time on it. You aren’t your social media account. You’re more than that. So I just like to post it, put it out there and what does well, does well.


What is one thing you want people to know about your line of work?

Maybe they know this, maybe they don’t, but one thing I’d like my audience to know is that I’m not perfect. I think with a lot of content creators, it can come off as if we’re living these perfect lives and there’s never a bad day, but it’s important to remember we’re just like everyone else. That’s what draws people to us: they come to us for advice on things that they’re going through. I’m not a celebrity! When people say, “Oh my gosh, you’re Meredith Foster!” I think, yeah, I’m really just Meredith Foster. Yes, I’m on YouTube but that’s just one part of me. I’m a collection of all the books I’ve read, all the places I’ve been. There’s so much more.


Speaking of imperfections, have you ever regretted posting anything?

Honestly, no, I really don’t have any scandals around me. There are a lot of people who probably have regrets but I don’t have any. Even if I did have one, I would mostly look at it as an opportunity to grow from.


“You aren’t your social media account.
You’re more than that.”


When you start your day, do you know you’ll be taking a photo for Instagram that day?

It’s much more organic than that. There are some days when I will have scheduled shoots for Instagram, like when I’m working with a brand. But if I come across this beautiful place and I just want to take a spontaneous photo, then I’ll do just that!


Let’s do something fun. Could you show us some of your Instagram posts and tell us backstories you might have from when you were taking them?

This one! Basically, the story behind this picture is that we went to the corn maze and it was closed. You’re technically not allowed to go in because it literally said do not enter, but we climbed over the fence just for the Instagram. Do it for the gram! So yeah, we kind of trespassed but it was worth it. We didn’t get in trouble so it’s all good!


This one is with one of my best friends and we were in a town called Bakersfield in California. On that day it was 106F outside. It was hot. We were sweating and we had ice cream––it was dripping everywhere. We were in a car for the video shoot and it suddenly broke down in the middle of nowhere. We thought we were stranded, like, “Great! Here we are in the desert!” Luckily the car started working, but it was just a crazy day. Nobody knows that about that video. We were all just freaking out!


RELATED: A Millennial Who's Never Been on Social Media Tries Instagram



Keep up with Meredith by following her on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter!



Art Alexandra Lara.

Published by
Cessi Treñas

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