
An Important Public Service Announcement From Skinni

You gotta love you



Can you believe it? You and I made it this far. A new year—a new decade is upon us, which calls for a little looking-back-to-move-forward and definitely a lot of self-introspection


2019 marked a lot of changes for us in the personal, professional and even the political sense. There were events that lifted our spirits high and moments that, at the time they were happening, seemed almost impossible to overcome. And sometimes in those moments, we lose sight of what’s important and forget to be grateful for what’s in front of us, including ourselves. 


Skinni, through their nostalgic pin-up-themed holiday campaign, reminds us to check in with ourselves just before 2020 rolls in:



Treat yourself? Sure. Show yourself some love? Even better. Skinni believes that every woman, regardless of age, color, identity, size or shape, is beautiful in her own way. You—yes you!—are amazing and you shouldn’t need other people’s validation to know it or feel that way. Self-love, defined as “regard for one's own well-being and happiness,” is found nowhere else but within you. It is the act of taking care of your mind, body and spirit, and learning to embrace time. But how does one self-love?


Practice Mindfulness

Take some time to get to know you because the person you are today is likely different from the person you were five, ten years ago. Really take the time to process your thoughts and feelings, and the things you want to accomplish. 


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Take Care of Yourself

Self-care is not about skincare or indulging in yourself; it’s taking better care of your most basic needs. This includes eating well, working out, getting enough rest or sleep and even healthy interactions and relationships.


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Set Boundaries

Set limits for yourself and say no to activities that may harm your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. In relation to taking care of yourself, cut ties with people or groups that take pleasure in your pain and misery. Doing so allows you to genuinely love and respect yourself.


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Forgive and Let Go

We’ve all made mistakes and hurt people we care about. Own them, take responsibility for them and forgive yourself. There are no failures anyway if lessons were learned. 

If and when you are ready, forgive those who have wronged you, too.


Live Intentionally

Live with purpose, one that’s bigger than yourself, and make choices according to your values and beliefs. Stop comparing yourself to others because you and I were not born to live through them. Instead, find people who share the same purpose or goals and learn from them. 



Self-love is a journey. Never stop seeking it.


Join the Skinni tribe and see the full Alpha collection here



Art Alexandra Lara

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