
Hacks for the Next Shopee Pay Day Sale

Be #ShopeeAkinSale ready!



Shopee’s monthly double-double sales have us waiting on the edge of our seats for deals, discounts and promos. But it’s inevitable that there are people who are in a no-splurge zone by the time the next sale rolls in or there are just some stubborn items that can’t wait for the following month. Shopee’s here to make that easier through the Shopee Payday Sale happening on May 15th.


Treat yourself and make the most out of payday with these Shopee sale hacks, guaranteed to bring you awesome deals and discounts.



Add to cart beforehand

Let’s face it. We’ve experienced running out of stocks of the item we’ve been meaning to get because we’re late to the search-and-add-to-cart party. Avoid this by scoping out the items you need a day or two before the actual sale and start adding your items to your cart. By the time the major deals are dropping left and right, you can focus on getting those late-night, limited quantity vouchers and checking out.


RELATED: Where to Buy Activewear on Shopee


Keep collecting coins

As we mentioned before, using your coins helps you save money. But outside of using cashback vouchers, you can get coins through different features. Checking in daily through the Coins Rewards Page also adds to your coins, and so does tuning in to Shopee Livestreams. If you’re looking for a sanity break, play games with Shopee Prizes. Freebies such as coins, vouchers, ShopeePay Credits and appliances, such as a Samsung Smart TV, are fair game. Try them out and you might just be the next big winner.


Explore the app for more vouchers

One pro-tip from Shopee’s newest endorser, Alex Gonzaga, is maximizing the app as a user. There are a lot of vouchers you can find if you take some time to look around. Her recommendation is the Deals Near Me section of the site, which has a lot of vouchers that let you buy food for just P1. Meanwhile, you can use your coins to buy discount vouchers for services and products from the Coins Rewards page. Discounts and promos are endless if you just keep exploring.


Turn on your reminders

For those who often lose track of time while waiting for midnight, Shopee’s app reminders are your best friends. As you go about the app, click on the “Remind Me” buttons to autosave an alert in your phone calendar. It’s one foolproof way to avoid missing the discount you’ve been waiting for, such as the limited-time 90% off discounts, P15 deals or the unlimited Free Shipping Vouchers that happen at night.


Check out the deals you’d need reminders for by looking at the Shopee Payday Sale page here.



RELATED: Shopee Hacks for Beginners: How to Save Your Money


Now that you’ve got another set of Shopee sale hacks, it’s time to add to cart, top up your ShopeePay wallets and get to shopping!


It’s not too late to create an account. The Shopee app is available for download at the App Store and Google Play.



Art Matthew Ian Fetalver

Published by
Kai Franco
Tags: Shopee

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