
I Don’t Like Buying Anything For Myself So This Is How I Treat Myself

No judgement zone, k? How I treat myself is how I treat myself



I have a friend who frequents the mall every time payday comes around. And then there’s the friend we all have who binges on good food whenever the opportunity comes around. Some of my officemates like to purchase the occasional designer piece when there’s enough wiggle room in their bank accounts. My dad likes to revamp the cars in our garage; mother likes to buy makeup she hardly uses (and is eventually used up in play by my nine-year-old niece).


We all approach the Treat Yo Self mantra differently. Some travel, others indulge in salon treatments. Me? I let myself be alone.


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Being alone and letting myself do nothing—and actually enjoying it—is a strange concept to some people. I’ve had friends get off their asses to volunteer themselves as movie dates because they couldn’t fathom why I would choose to go alone. My father’s forced my brothers to stay at the mall just because I wasn’t done going around. He himself has, on more than several occasions, followed me in fear that his youngest child would be lonely. And whenever I overstay my down time in our living room, my mother always invites me back upstairs.


Thanks, everyone. But I’m 27; I don’t need entertainment.


RELATED: Gabby Padilla On Treat Yo Self Culture, Self-Indulgence and Self-Care


There are certain things that I enjoy and I do not need other people’s company in order to enjoy them; food and movies fall under this category. I would much rather dine and watch by myself than have to feel guilty for dragging someone to restaurant and film they didn’t want to see.


I love books who take me away and I love indulging myself in them. Most often than not, a book has and will keep me awake at nights when nothing on TV just won’t do. I will forever be thankful to the authors who introduced me to Holden Caulfield, Jude and Willem, Christopher Boone and Sara Louise Bradshaw—and I think it’s only right that I keep a foot in the world they introduced me to.


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There is a joy that comes with being by myself. Whether that means a movie-for-one, dinner-for-one or even just walking home during the last leg of the commute home. It’s a time that I can listen, think and just be, for me. The rest of the days always belong to someone or something else: work load, friends, family, colleagues, bosses, even my addiction to cigarettes.


So, you know what? Setting aside that hour every day to listen to the music I want to listen to, to watch stupid videos that make me laugh, to just think for the sake of thinking is honestly what helps me keep my head on straight.


You may have your big splurges, your trips to catch waves or mountain breezes and your skin/hair treatments—keep them. Just give let me treat myself, too.


But hey, keep asking me out for drinks, yeah? That's how I treat myself, too.



Art Alexandra Lara

Published by
Adie Pieraz
Tags: Masturdating

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