Pop Culture

Need A Music Partner? Ben&Ben’s Miguel and Paolo Are In for #GiftedSessionsLIVE

Time to get the kids ready



When I was a kid, I used to love singing. I memorized everything you threw at me: the nursery rhymes, the mass songs, the intros of cartoons I didn’t watch, even the singles I was too young to understand the lyrics of (the Spice Girls’ Two Become One, especially). Now that I’m tita to two young girls, I have to say it’s enjoyable to see them get into the same habit. 


I love hearing them sing while they’re waiting for their food or for a movie to start. I love how they learn through song—and how it’s stuck with them even if they haven’t learned anything new since schools closed their doors. I love how their eyes light up watching old videos of themselves performing, and seeing that flicker of recognition in their face as they remember the words and start mouth along.



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Music is something that we honestly sometimes take for granted for the mere fact that it’s everywhere. But the thing to remember is that music tells stories—whether ours or not, whether we’ve experienced them or not, whether it’s filled with words we’ve written or words we wish we had. So roll with the gift, especially if you see it early. In fact, show it off. 


With Promil Four, Ben&Ben’s Miguel Benjamin and Paolo Benjamin remind us about the power of music and just how far it can take you. And whether or not it brings you that little extra, it’s always still a lot of fun. 


With your child, join #GiftedSessionsLIVE, jam with Miguel and Paolo, and make some music. You never know what will happen, but you might just get noticed by the frontmen of one of the country’s leading OPM bands. 



The process is simple:

  1. Download the performance video
  2. Record your child singing with Miguel and Paolo
  3. Post your child’s performance video via the comment section on the Facebook post above
  4. Send your child’s performance video via private message to the official PROMIL® FOUR Facebook page


One thing to note, however, is that deadline for submissions is August 17


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Look, there’s not a lot we can get done for the kids these days. We’ve removed visits to the park and long(er) walks with the dogs and play dates with friends from their normal routine…but at least there’s still music. 



Art Alexandra Lara

Published by
Adie Pieraz

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