
#PHVote Guide: How, Where & What To Bring When You Vote This May 9

#PHVote Guide: How, Where & What To Bring When You Vote This May 9

Let this #PHVote guide help you practice your right to vote



For months now, we have heard rallying cries and argued on social media. We attended rallies, plastered posters on our cars, and memorized arguing points for those inevitable moments when politics make it to the dining table, the cocktail bar or yosi breaks. But the time has finally come, so let this #PHVote guide help you put into action the words you’ve been screaming about. 


RELATED: We Vote Because We Love: Reasons Why Our Votes Matter


Where do you go?

Where you vote depends on where you registered to vote. Make sure you know where you’re going before you leave your house to avoid any mishaps. You can find your specific precinct using this link, and inputting basic details (legal name and where you registered). Afterwards, you’ll be provided with your precinct number and your status as a voter—that is, whether you’re active and able to vote. 


Remember: Voting hours are 6AM until 7PM only. 


What do you bring?

Technically, you don’t have to bring anything to vote. But because we like to err on the side of safety, it would be best to bring the following: 

  1. A valid government ID
  2. A kodigo of your chosen candidates
  3. Alcohol or hand sanitizer
  4. An extra face mask 



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What do you wear?

There is no dress code for #PHVote, but we do caution you to leave the election merchandise at home. Opt to arrive in something comfortable with your face mask—and everything in neutral colors, too, please. 


How does the process go?

When you arrive at your precinct, you’ll normally have to double check which room you’ve been assigned to. Once you arrive at the proper room, you’ll be handed three things: your ballot, a secrecy folder and a marking pen. Make sure your ballot is new and isn’t tampered with, that you use the pen given to you, and that you do not excessively mark the ballot. Years of multiple-choice tests have prepared us for the proper shading of those circles. 


Once you’re done, approach the Vote Counting Machines (VCM), and slot in yours. When you’ve done that, the VCM should flash the names of those you voted for; a receipt with these names will also be printed out (do not pull out the receipt as a poll clerk will cut it for you.) You’ll also need to return the pen and the secrecy folder to the clerk. 


Afterwards, your finger will be marked with indelible ink, and you will be asked to review your receipt. If all is good, drop your receipt in the Voter’s Receipt Receptacle. If you find something amiss, alert the poll clerk and make sure your concerns are written down for posterity. 


And another thing: You are not required to show your filled-in ballot to anyone.



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For when you leave

When you are finished, make sure you do not bring anything out of the precinct that you did not already have before you entered it. The secrecy folder, the marking pen and even your voter’s receipt should not travel further than the precinct. And please, for the love of god, do not use your phone while you’re voting. 


You do not want to do anything that might nullify your vote. 


RELATED: Ahead of Election Season, First-Time Voters Speak on the Issues They Care About Most


I know voting seems daunting, and it is—but the actual act of voting shouldn’t be. You go in, you do your thing, and you leave. But you do need to be vigilant, and you do need to be mindful. Make no mistakes this time around. 


#PHVote, let’s go



Art Macky Arquilla


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